Dienstag, 22. Mai 2012

Come Talk To Me ...

"Come Talk To Me"

The wretched desert takes its form, the jackal proud and tight

In search of you I feel my way though the slowest heaving night

Whatever fear invents, I swear it make no sense

I reach out through the border fence

Come down, come talk to me

In the swirling, curling storm of desire unuttered words hold fast

With reptile tongue, the lightning lashes towers built to last

Darkness creeps in like a thief and offers no relief

Why are you shaking like a leaf

Come on, come talk to me

Ah please talk to me

Won't you please talk to me

We can unlock this misery

Come on, come talk to me

I did not come to steal

This all is so unreal

Can't you show me how you feel now

Come on, come talk to me

Come talk to me [x2]

The earthly power sucks shadowed milk from sleepy tears undone

From nippled skin as smooth as silk the bugles blown as one

You lie there with your eyes half closed like there's no one there at all

There's a tension pulling on your face

Come on, come talk to me

Won't you please talk to me

If you'd just talk to me

Unblock this misery

If you'd only talk to me

Don't you ever change your mind

Now your future's so defined

And you act so deaf and blind

Come on, come talk to me

Come talk to me [x2]

I can imagine the moment

Breaking out through the silence

All the things that we both might say

And the heart it will not be denied

Till we're both on the same damn side

All the barriers blown away

I said please talk to me

Won't you please come talk to me

Just like it used to be

Come on, come talk to me

I did not come to steal

This all is so unreal

Can you show me how you feel now

Come on, come talk to me

Come talk to me [x2]

I said please talk to me

If you'd just talk to me

Unblock this misery

If you'd only talk to me

Don't you ever change your mind

Now your future's so defined

And you act so deaf and blind

(And you act so deaf so blind)

Come on, come talk to me

Come talk to me [x2]

7 Kommentare:

Anonym hat gesagt…


Schweinchen Schlau hat gesagt…

Hihi, ich mag das Lied immer noch. Aber ehrlich gesagt habe ich noch nie über den Text sinniert, klasse Kroetilein! Drück dich, ach und: Ich mag deine Art voll gerne ;o) Liebe Grüße Schweinchen Schlau

Paderkroete hat gesagt…

Is doch so Frau Currywurst ...binich ganz sehr sicher und überzeugt von ;-)

Paderkroete hat gesagt…

Liebes Schweinchen Schlau ....das Kroeti sinniert im Moment recht viel ...;-)
Lieben Gruss auch zurück!

Traumkirschen hat gesagt…

Huhu.. ich lasse dir ganz liebe Grüße hier.. !! Joy

DerSilberneLöffel hat gesagt…

Martina, sch..ß auf die "Freunde", die nur in den guten Zeiten zu Dir halten. Geh Deinen Weg, nur DU weißt, welcher der Richtige ist.

Paderkroete hat gesagt…

Löffel Lieber ...ich weiss schon wie du deinen Kommi meintest ...aber ich sch....e auf niemanden ....und es waren Freunde die in schlechten Zeiten mir geholfen haben ...das macht das ganze ja so ...traurig. Da is aber jemand in der Bloggerwelt der versucht hat Dinge für mich richtig zu stellen ....vieleicht hilft es wenn nicht ...ja ...dann kann ich auch nichts machen. Im Weg finden war ich übrigens noch nie gut ..ich verlauf mich leicht:-)



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